Usually the risk of sports of injuries increases with the failing to warm up before the activity. Soft tissue like muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia may be injured resulting in strain, sprain, tears.



Rotator cuff tear

A tear in the tissues connecting muscles to bone (tear around the shoulder joint) often occurs in people who repeatedly perform the same shoulder motions. Conservative treatments like rest, ice, physiotherapy in mild or partial tears. At times surgical repair is required for complete tears.

Interventional therapy:

Refractory pain in partial tear responds very well with regenerative PRP which is injected specifically with ultrasound guidance.



Collateral ligament injuries

It usually results due to sudden twisting injuries to the knee and patient usually presents with severe pain in either sides of the knee joint.

Interventional therapy:

An accurate assessment of the injury has to be made either with MRI or ultrasound. The injury is specifically identified with ultrasound and regenerative medications are injected into the right spot.




It results from overuse or overextension of the elbow. It is usually seen while playing racquet sports/tennis and hence the name. This problem is also commonly seen in homemakers in middle age woman due to excess or repetitive strain. The pain is characterized seen in the outer aspect of elbow radiating to shoulder and forearm.

Interventional therapy:

Acute cases may be managed using ice pack, splinting and anti-inflammatory drugs. In chronic cases with refractory pain, it may require to give injections to the affected site under specific ultrasound guidance. When it comes to injection around tendons, it is very important that the drug be injected at the specific point without needle entry into the tendon and accidental delivery of drug elsewhere especially with steroids. Regenerative Medication intervention: Injection of PRP has proved to be a better alternative than steroids in view of its regenerative and healing properties. It is better recommended.

Golfers elbow

It results from overuse or overextension of the elbow. It is usually seen while playing racquet sports/golf and hence the name. The pain is felt in the medial side of the elbow.

Interventional therapy:

Acute cases may be managed using ice pack, splinting and anti-inflammatory drugs. In chronic cases with refractory pain, it may require to give injections to the affected site under specific ultrasound guidance. When it comes to injection around tendons, it is very important that the drug be injected at the specific point without needle entry into the tendon and accidental delivery of drug elsewhere especially with steroids.
Regenerative Medication intervention: Injection of PRP has proved to be a better alternative than steroids in view of its regenerative and healing properties. It is better recommended.