1.Post herpetic neuralgia

It is commonly seen after herpes zoster infection in older individual. It is quite a difficult pain syndrome to treat. It is characterized by sharp shooting or burning pain depending on the nerve involvement.

Interventional therapy:

Depending on the area of nerve involvement a relief of pain can be attained with USG guided intervention to the affected nerves blocks. Stellate ganglion blocks, paravertebral blocks or intercostal blocks are useful. Due to resistant nature repeated interventions might be required. RFA( radiofrequency ablation) is also an option given in resistant pains.

2.Chronic Regional Pain syndromes

It occurs due to wide variety of causes. which affects arm or leg which develops after varied causes like trauma, surgery or stroke. Patient has variety of symptoms like burning pain, hypersensitivity to touch or cold, swelling, change in skin colour etc. The debility casused is quite significant.

Interventional therapy;

Depending on the area of nerve involvement a relief of pain can be attained with USG guided intervention to the affected nerves blocks. Stellate ganglion blocks, lumbar sympathetic blocks are useful. Due to resistant nature repeated interventions might be required.RFA( radiofrequency ablation) is also an option given in resistant pains.

3.Neuralgic conditions

Individual nerves can create problems like meralgia paraesthetica creates problem in the lateral aspect of thigh, Illioinguinal nerve leading to pelvic pains. One need to identify the cause and treat it accordingly.

Interventional therapy;

Depending on the nerve involvement a relief of pain can be attained with USG guided intervention to the affected nerves blocks. Due to resistant nature repeated interventions might be required. RFA( radiofrequency ablation) is also an option given in resistant pains.