
1.Baker cyst

It is a fluid filled cyst behind the knee due to arthritis or meniscal tear. Excessive fluid leads to pain in the back of the knee Patient usually complaints of pain on flexing the knee, difficulty in climbing stairs or getting up from low position.

Interventional therapy:

After ruling out major causes of knee pain, ultrasound guided aspiration of the cyst is done and the area is decompressed leading to good relief of pain. To prevent further recurrence an anti-inflammatory medication is also injected during the same sitting.


2. Collateral ligament injuries

It usually results due to sudden twisting injuries to the knee and patient usually presents with severe pain in either sides of the knee joint.

Interventional therapy:

An accurate assessment of the injury has to be made either with MRI or ultrasound. The injury is specifically identified with ultrasound and regenerative PRP medications are injected into the right spot.


3.Bursitis (Suprapatellar, pre patellar, infrapatellar)

It is a soft swelling around the knee. It is a condition due to inflammation of the Bursa (fluid filled sac near joint) due to overuse or injury. The condition might be painless till the inflammatory process sets in which makes it painful.

Interventional therapy:

Acute cases may be managed using ice pack, splinting and anti-inflammatory drugs. In chronic cases with refractory pain, it may require aspirations and injections of anti-inflammatory medications. Injection of regenerative PRP has also helped in resilient cases.