
1.Trigger Finger

One of the common finger problems seen in the outpatient dept. Patient complaints of difficulty in flexing the fingers. There is a sensation of locking or catching with pain on bending or straightning the finger.

Interventional therapy:

USG guided A1 pulley fenestration along with injection technique is highly effective and minimally invasive for trigger finger. USG imaging to ensure the precise target point without the chance of disturbing the surrounding tendons (which is a hazard in blind injection procedure). A minimum dosage can be given safety. The procedure needs to be followed by rehabilitation process.


2.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Median nerve compression)

A condition which causes numbness, tingling or weakness in your hand. This happens when the median nerve passes through your arm into the wrist through a passage called carpal tunnel gets compressed as it ends into your hand. It is commonly seen in Women, Pregnancy ,obesity, and associated with diseases like hypothyroidism, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis or even after fracture of wrist.

Interventional therapy:

As in many other conditions, Carpal Tunnel syndrome can be treated better if identified early. Ultrasound guided injection helps to address thickened fascia which is compressing the nerve. The fascia can be loosened with multiple fenestrate techniques followed by rehabilitation & lifestyle modification.


3.De quervain's tenosynovitis

A painful condition affecting the tendons or the thumb side of your wrist.Patient usually has pain and swelling near the base of your thumb. Difficulty in moving your thumb and wrist especially for movements like grasping or pinching. Usual casuses include Chronic overuse Direct injury to the wrist/tendon. Patients of increased risk are women especially during pregnancy However any age between 30 to 80 are vulnerable

Interventional therapy:

Earlier stages patients respond better with rest splintage and medications. As inflammation gets worsened, (it requires a anti inflammatory like steroid) to be injected into the first dorsal compartments tendon sheath of the wrist. When it comes to injection around tendons,it is very important that the drug be injected at the specific point without needle entry into the tendon and accidental delivery of drug elsewhere especially with steroids.


4.Small joint arthritis

Usually associated with early rheumatoid arthritis which is an inflammatory progressive disease of small joints of hand. particularly joints that attach fingers to hand & toes to the leg. There are various causes leading to the inflammation and one needs to identify the primary causes. However once the diagnosis is made the treatment of pain is done in various ways. The medicines should be taken as per the advice with your concerned rheumatologist. Sometimes it may require injection of the affected joints with corticosteroids to ease the inflammation.

Interventional therapy:

USG guided injections of various drugs ensures safe or precise delivery of the drug into the affected joint without damaging the surrounding tendons, blood vessels. High efficiency with low risk of side effects.