
1.Meralgia paresthetica

It is a condition causing burning pain and numbness in the outer aspect of the thigh. The condition is due to the entrapment of the nerve due to various reasons.

Interventional therapy:

A course of physiotherapy and medications is started initially. If it fails, then injection of anti-inflammatory medication is given to the specific nerve under ultrasound guidance.


2.Bursitis (Trochanteric/Ischial/ Illio-pectineal/gluteal)

It is a soft swelling around the hip. It is a condition due to inflammation of the Bursa( fluid filled sac near joint). The condition might be painless till the inflammatory process sets in which makes it painful.

Interventional therapy:

Acute cases may be managed using ice pack, splinting and anti-inflammatory drugs. In chronic cases with refractory pain, It may require aspirations and injections of anti-inflammatory medications. Injection of regenerative PRP has also helped in resilient cases.


3.Femoro acetabular Impingement

It is usually a mechanical structural disorder of hip due to abnormal anatomy causing impingment of the hip joint.

Interventional therapy:

A course of physiotherapy and medications is tried first If it fails, then injections to the specific area of impingement under fluoroscopy or ultrasound guidance is done to relieve the pain.