
1. Achilles tendinosis: Pump bump pain back of the heel

Pain and stiffness above the back of the heel, especially when you stretch your ankle or stand on your toes. Pain may be severe along with increased swelling due to calcification around the insertion of Achilles tendon along with severe inflammation .

Interventional therapy:

Usually conservative treatments with exercises & physiotherapy is the first line of therapy. In refractory cases injections of anti-inflammatory medication or ideally regenerative PRP medications, steroids under specific USG guidance is indicated. Surgery though is indicated in severe cases.


2.Heel Pain: Plantar fasciitis

Inflammation of plantar fascia or thick band that connects heel to the toes is the commonest cause of heel pain. Patient has stabbing pain with first steps especially during morning. Pain decreases as one moves around but again gets aggravated on prolonged standing or walking. Activities like long distance running and dancing leads to these problems. Obesity is also thought to be one leading cause. Long standing plantar fasciitis may result in chronic heel pain. In due course gait changes which result in foot, knee, hip or back problems.

Interventional therapy:

Usually conservative treatments with exercises & rehabilitation is the first line of therapy. In refractory cases injections of regenerative PRP medications, anti-inflammatory medications under specific USG guidance is indicated .


3.Morton’s Neuroma

It is characterized by pain in the forefoot. It is caused due to the perineural fibrosis of the interdigital nerves. Patient has pain in forefoot of ball of the foot aggravated on walking.

Interventional therapy:

Usually conservative treatments with medications and rest is tried. Injections of anti-inflammatory drugs under USG guidance is very helpful. However, in refractory cases RFA is indicated.


4.Small Joint arthralgia

Usually associated with early rheumatoid arthritis which is an inflammatory progressive disease of small joints of hand toes. There are various causes leading to the inflammation and one needs to identify the primary causes. However once the diagnosis is made the treatment of pain is done in various ways. The medicines should be taken as per the advice with your concerned rheumatologist.

Interventional therapy:

USG guided anti-inflammatory injections or regenerative PRP ensures safe or precise delivery of the drug into the affected joint without damaging the surrounding tendons, blood vessels.